If you’re passionate and knowledgeable about security and crime prevention and would like to share your expertise and value with our readers on the bullet-camera Blog, Simply get in touch with our editor.
Guidelines for submitting a guest post.
- Interesting subject matter
- Provide value to readers
- Exclusive and original articles only (We will not republish anything that’s been published elsewhere)
- Articles should exceed 800 words
- High-quality writing
- Short author bio that can include a maximum of one branded/company name anchor text link to your own website
- We require you to include industry association/accreditations links within the bio
- Your website must be related to the security industry
- We do not include anchor text links other than branded and social media within the post/bio
- All links are rel=nofollow unless you are already recognized as an authority within the security industry
- The post can only be submitted by an email address relating to the company/business requesting the guest article
- We require an employee author bio that includes a link to their Linkedin Profile that validates they work for the business submitting the article
Please note we do not accept articles from unrelated industries. We reserve the right to reject a submitted post without reason.